Weaved Funeral Design
The designs above gave me great impartation for my design. Both designs have used the weaving at one side and another material at the other. The design on the left has a small placement which is over the centre were as the one on the right has a bigger placement. On my design I am going to have a larger placement like the design on the right.
Image on the left straight from the heart image on right from pintrest https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/93/9b/89/939b896a678ea03f40ef6b8620c6df2e.jpg
Sketches/ Designs
I did three different sketches of a design that I would like to use. This consists of putting the placements in different places and using different materials to cover the base.
I decided that I was going to make the top left design as it uses a lot of different techniques and materials.
Final images
This is my finished design.
I decided to us aspidistra around one half of the design and the weaved china grass around the other. The aspidistra also covered the base in the centre and around the outside.
I then glued the orchids down one side with a tight cluster at the top with two weaved flower made from the china grass to bring the weaving through the design.
The image below shows the weaving that was done on the left hand side of the design. The weaving could have been neater towards the bottom as it got lose from adding new bits of china grass. Also the pins that I used to hold the china grass down could have been hidden a little bit better by putting them under the grass where I can.
This image is a close up of the tight placement at the top of the design. It also shows the weaved china grass flowers that I made to keep the china grass in the whole design. The centre of the china grass flowers could have done with been a little bit bigger as it fads in to the rest of the weaved china grass.
For this design the contrast of the white orchids and the dark green aspidistra work particularly well together. The dark aspidistra also creates some depth around the placement as it acts like a shadow. As I said above the weaving of the china grass around the main part of the design could have done with been a bit tighter as it loses it towards the bottom of the design.
The weaving of the china grass flowers could also have done with been a little tighter and the centres could have be a bit bigger. The pinning of the leaves and china grass should have been done a little but more discretely because when you look closely at the placement you can see a lot of pins.