Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Arrangment with corrugated cardboard

St Valentin
Artist: Benoit Cante, France

St Valentin


The images that are above and to the side  are where I got the inspiration for my design from. I wanted the bottom layer to come down over the pot like the design at the top.
I also liked the idea of having small flowers in between the corrugated cardboard like the two image that I have. As I was making the design I realised that the small flowers wouldn't be seen as the other flowers were quite large.


The ideas I had for this design were all very different. Two went over the design and one went above it.
 I decided that I was going to create the design that is on the left top hand corner. This has three sections to it and the materials work with in each section.

Final Images

This is my final design on the left. I used a hot glue gun to hold the corrugated cardboard in place. The cardboard was then glued on to canes to hold them at the right height.
Once I had got them in to place I then added the lily's, chins and kangaroo paw to complete the design.
 As you can see on the images below the materials that I used were incorporated with in the cardboard layers.
 The orange kangaroo paw add a dash of colour



For this design I would change a couple of things. I would start by making the layers bigger so the smaller ones at the top would not get lost with in the materials used. I would also make sure the ends of the corrugated cardboard are secured down as the lose edges look untidy.  I am very pleased with the balance of the white materials that I used. How ever I believe that I didn't quite get the balance of the orange right, if another kangaroo paw was added between the two white lily's at the top left of the design the orange would run through the design more freely.  


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